
Reagan's First Birthday

Reagan celebrated her first birthday on December 21st in South Dakota. She loved Grandma's lasagna, eating it and wearing it. I don't know why we cleaned her up after dinner before the cake. She loved her cupcake and had a great time with the frosting, although I did expect a larger mess. Happy Birthday Sugar Plum!



Annual Update: This Christmas

(Mark taking over the writing now)
Reagan is now walking everywhere. She's a bit unsteady, but that doesn't slow her down in the least. She loves our dog more than the dog likes her. Abby tolerates her because Reagan feeds her when we're not looking. And sometimes when we are. We are amazed at how fast she's growing, learning and changing. We are still waiting for the gibberish to make sense. Someday we'll probably wish for the gibberish to come back. There was no gibberish during her first run in with jolly 'ol St. Nick, just screaming.

As we reflect back on the events of this past year, its tough not to recognize just how crazy and delightful it has all been. As you've seen from the first few posts - we've been busy. We've been tested on a few occasions, but mostly - we've been blessed. We have a gorgeous, healthy, mischievous daughter, who we may be a little too proud of. You probably couldn't tell, huh?

Jessica will graduate as a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner in a few months. And then back in the realm of gainful employment somewhere. We plan to travel back for her graduation from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in early May. What a milestone to look forward to! She's worked so hard -many times without any help at home. At least she only had an infant to care for on her own!

As for me (Mark) I'm as busy as ever. Probably more so if that is possible. And enjoying the excuse to get away from the office in time to put my little girl to bed at night whenever possible. Its my privilege to be the Weapons Officer and chief instructor pilot for a unique squadron here in FL that conducts operational test and tactics development for F-15Es, F-15Cs, and of course F-16s. And I was selected for promotion to Major recently - a rank that I should actually pin on some time next year.

We are planning on spending Christmas and New Year's in South Dakota with our families. We will also celebrate Reagan's first birthday there. Its been quite a while since we've travelled home for the holidays - and as luck would have it, many of our extended family will be there to for a change. It promises to be a great trip. I only wonder how quickly the grandparents excitement over grandkids will fade after a few days of screaming kids and mayhem in their otherwise quiet homes. But they've already agreed to the madness, and it's too late to back out now.

Wherever you find yourself this Christmas, I challenge you to take a few moments to reflect and appreciate your many blessings - in spite of everyday troubles. Remember not only your own family members that can't celebrate Jesus Christ's birth in person with you, but also the scores of dedicated professional military folks who are willingly separated from their families this year. They serve all of you, and deserve your gratitude.
Merry Christmas to you all! Many blessings from the Almighty in the year to come!

Annual Update AP (After the Patch)

Mark graduated (got the patch and won a couple awards) in June, and we celebrated in Las Vegas with his parents, his grandfather and many friends. I'm not sure if he's recovered from that experience (Weapon's School, not the celebration) yet. At any rate, the first half of the year flew by for me, probably because I was in a daze for most of it!

We made it back to Florida at the end of June for some rest and relaxation. Little did I know that rest and relaxation meant tearing out a stone wall in our living room and building a new wall. I hated that stone wall. Unable to "cool his jets" from school, the busy body took a 3lb hammer and a chisel to the wall. Long story short, we know have a much brighter, updated living room! I love it. We're in the process of the master bathroom. Last year was the kitchen, sun room, dining room, guest room, baby's room...

The adjustment to parenthood has been much better since we've both been here. It is amazing how often an extra set of hands are needed. Mark's job has kept him racking up the frequent flyer miles between Florida and Las Vegas, Tuscon, Fort Worth, and Toledo. He also did the fly by for the University of Florida vs. Florida State football game over Thanksgiving weekend.

We were fortunate to have a steady care giver for Reagan while Mark was gone and through the summer. Amanda moved in October and Reagan had to start day care. It has been going pretty well. Things improved immensely once she learned how to nap there. She seems to enjoy her new friends. The day care is on the Air Force base which works out great for us.

The adjustment to life with a child has been the best challenge we've ever experienced. Now that we're both here most of the time, it's even better.

Annual Update BP (Before Patch)

In lieu of a Christmas letter, we've started this site which we will hopefully keep up with throughout the year. So, I'll just start from the beginning.

January through June: A blur, little sleep, lots of coffee, confusion as to what day it was... Mark was at Weapons School in Las Vegas which started when Reagan was 2 weeks old. I would describe Weapon's school as grad school for fighter pilots. After successful completion, a graduate wears a special patch on their uniform for the rest of their career. I understand it to be a big deal, hence the title BP.
Reagan and I stayed in Florida and were much appreciative of my mother's visit shortly after Mark left and again with my sister and father several weeks later. I continued with school and work without much sleep. I'm not implying that Mark was living the good life. There is no way I would've traded places with him, even if I could fly a jet. Anyway, we made it through with several flights to Las Vegas and a couple to South Dakota.


Entering the Internet Age

We've decided to enter the internet times and allow you to keep up with us when you choose. The title is Morrell Family Adventures, which will be used loosely. An adventure in the Morrell house may range from a new Reagan milestone, such as walking/talking to a vacation to Mark doing something cool at work. Most of the adventure will be Reagan learning how to be a kid.