

Well I suppose its finally time to stop shirking my duties as blog co-author and get a few words in to set the record straight. Let me start with that. Regardless of what you may have been told to this point:
1- Despite my newfound earthy appearance and relaxed stance on personal hygiene, I am not "smokin the reefer". However, I will say that the "medical Marajuana" market in CA seems alive and well - as evidenced by the dude tokin up a fat joint amongst all the hikers in Yosemite. I ushered my children quickly past the scene of the crime as they loudly inquired about what the funny smell was. Super parent rides again...
I know this is supposed to be an Oregon post, but this pic is one of my favorites from the quest thus far. PB&J with an incredible view.
By the way, in case you were wondering, California is awesome. The sheer breadth of landscape variety is astounding. The weather is fantastic. However it turns out that being awesome attracts people. WAAAAAYYYYYYY too many people. And already we've fallen far below awesome again.
Alaska, how I long for you.

2-There are few things that go better with cheese than a fine California wine. Except maybe ice cream. Tillamook Mudslide with an extra scoop of caramel pecan praline to be precise. I don't even know what praline means. Perhaps it is french for "delicious". In any case, the Tillamook Cheese Factory in Tillamook, Oregon was one of the best stops on this epic RV odyssey. Cheese curds and full fat ice cream. I nearly blacked out. MmmmmmmmmmmmAAaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuugggggggggggggggghhhh....

3- In all seroiusness, some OR pics.
This is the view from our campsite on the OR coast. Ridiculous, right? I can't believe we pulled the RV in almost on the beach. Nice work by my girl to find such an amazing spot.

To the right is the Yaquina Head Lighthouse. Still operational. Great spot to spy a passing grey whale, see some harbor seals, or gawk at a passing hundred and twenty brown pelicans.

Fogarty Creek State Park. Oregon has one of the most impressive state park systems I've seen. We scrambled on the rocks at low tide as the waves crashed in the surf. Even the sled do is smiling.

Another pic of the OR coastline. "Beautiful" doesn't even come close.

This is a travel stop along the Columbia River Gorge east of Portland. After a fantastic visit with Don and Char Chase (such gracious hosts!) we headed out east toward Montana. We stopped at Arlington OR to make some sammies and play on the playground to burn some energy. But the local ducks were as much entertainment as anything else my little cherubs could see.

4-Finally, this beard looks damn sharp. Attractive even. I get many comments. Favorable comments. Indeed...

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